domestic jikook FOR THE SOUL

a jikook fanfiction series by leesh.
(last updated 9/22/24)


Hi! And welcome to the Domestic Jikook For The Soul carrd!This is an ongoing and active AU series on AO3, where Jungkook and Jimin live a domestic life together as an established couple and continue to grow their relationship while working towards domestic goals!Each update is posted as its own individual part and is spread throughout a generalized timeline from when they had first gotten together to the active present day.Please read the series in order first! This is an entire universe filled with both present day and flashback one-shots/chaptered parts, so start from the beginning if you have yet to read anything in this AU.In this carrd specifically you will find a list of links including information for the characters and their relationships, a general directory with navigation to outside platforms, an updates page, as well as the timeline of events of the series for those that wish to go back and read in chronological order.Warning: The information on this carrd contains spoilers for the entire series, so please make sure you are caught up with the latest update before proceeding.Please support the series by subscribing on AO3, following me on twitter, leaving kudos and comments, and donating to my ko-fi if you can.A special shout out to Rin on twitter who is the brain behind this carrd. They created all of graphics, the layout, the colors, literally everything so thank you so much for taking time out of your life to do this for me. I can't even express how much I appreciate it <3


On this page you will find navigation to biography information for each character in the series. Their biographies will include basic information along with info on their families, background, personality and hobbies!Please note that the information given in these biographies are based only on what has been canonly revealed to readers so far! The main info section is updated to the most recent present day reveals.

Park Jimin

Age: 26
Birthday: October 13th
Height: 5'7
Occupation: Kindergarten Teacher. Jimin has been teaching at the same elementary school since he graduated college almost 4 years ago. Jimin loves his career!


Family: Jimin's mother and father live about three hours away from his apartment. Jimin is an only child. His parents had Jimin at a much later stage in their lives and therefore are older than most. Jimin does not get along with his Father's side of the family due to them being homophobic and generally rude towards every aspect of his lifestyle. Recently it's been hinted that Jimin's mother is suffering from mild memory loss.Hobbies: Coloring, taking baths, cooking, watching TV, pampering, fashion, arts and crafts, going out with his friends, brunch with his family, yoga, plants.Personality: Jimin is very neat and clean. He keeps the apartment tidy, doesn't like dishes in the sink, and vacuums almost daily. He is very organized and uses a schedule/planner (and a couples app with Jungkook), and may be a bit chronic about needing know what he's doing and how to plan his time. It usually takes him a long time to get ready if he doesn't know what's going on. He does not like to sleep in and is the kind of person to wake up early and make the bed every day.Jimin is extremely kind and tries to put others before him. He loves his job and cares about his kids in the school. He is creative and likes to work on his lesson plans with a glass of wine in his downtime.Jimin suffers with depression and a generalized anxiety disorder, which contributes to his need for a schedule and routine. He is functional and active with his awareness when it comes to his mental health. However, due to being so functional and not wanting to be a burden to anyone, Jimin tends to keep these darker emotions to himself, usually scared that people won't like the ugly sides to him. He also has an insecure fear that he will "lose" the important parts of his life if he allows his depression to overcome the life he's built.Jimin is a submissive partner in the bedroom whenever him and Jungkook are playing out scenes or exploring different kinks, but also because it is a lowkey therapeutic way for him to give up the other means of control that he has to have in his life when it comes to his anxiety and routines. He has bratty tendencies and likes to get Jungkook worked up and angry in bed, and usually enjoys degradation and praise in some capacity.Background: Jimin grew up as an only child in a smaller town about three hours away from the city. He came out early in high-school and has very supportive // suicide mentionJimin has admitted to being bullied in high-school a little bit but still found it easy to be himself. He decided to leave that life behind him and moved to college three hours away to "start over". It is implied via the flashbacks and from Taehyung's POV's that Jimin had a suicide attempt at some point during his freshmen year of college, and his depression/mental health was decently difficult when he was younger.Jimin went to college to get his teaching degree, something he had been wanting to do since he was a teenager. He met Kim Taehyung his freshmen year of college and also dated Ha Janghoon that year. Jimin lived on campus and made other friends with Jackson, Chungha, Bogum, and an unlisted amount of others. Even though it is implied that Jimin struggled during the beginning of college, he kept busy and found the importance of wanting to stay alive, with the help of Taehyung.During college, Jimin and Taehyung were friends with benefits for an undisclosed amount of time, but then decided to stop doing that so they could be best friends and soulmates instead. They spent their time at college not dating anyone else and only focusing on their studies and getting laid by strangers and partying.It is discussed in the flashbacks that Jimin's ex-boyfriend Janghoon stalked him for a little bit.Jimin met Jungkook right before the start of his senior year of college when he had just moved into his own apartment about fifteen minutes away.


Age: 24
Birthday: September 1st
Height: 5'11
Occupation: Personal Trainer at Seokjin's wellness company and Student


Family: Jungkook is the youngest son with one older brother Junsu who is approximately 10 years older than him. His mother and father divorced when he was 11 or 12, and Jungkook decided to live with his father. His mother moved away, and it's implied that they did not have a great relationship growing up because of this.Jungkook's father is quite rich, living in a large estate in a gated area about 40 minutes away from Jungkook's apartment close to the city. Growing up, Jungkook lived in the same neighborhood as Taehyung where they attended the same high-school.His brother Junsu is married to Hyuna, and together they have a daughter name Jiyoon (who is currently attending Taehyung's 3rd grade art class).Jungkook's relationship with his father is overly sweet and he is definitely a daddy's boy.Hobbies: working out, gaming/streaming, reading, eating, helping his dad with house projects, spending time with his niece, going on dates with Jimin, playing guitar and singing karaoke.Personality: Jungkook is decently introverted and prefers a night in the apartment versus going out with a lot of people. He is in very good shape and is constantly focused on maintaining his health and body. Jungkook can be soft-spoken most of the times and is the type of person to give into whatever is going on, not really putting up much of a fight or retaliation.Jungkook is super duper in love with Jimin and very attuned to him and his emotions. He can be a dominant partner in bed and has some control issues in terms of his domination sometimes that are currently being explored in the story. Due to recent canon events, Jungkook has transitioned to having more soft-dom tendencies as he also explores some past trauma. He truly thinks that Jimin is the most beautiful person he's ever met and will not miss an opportunity to praise him for being good.Jungkook struggles with wanting to make big changes in his life. He graduated college and took a year off to try and figure that out, but was unsuccessful, leading to some tension between him and Jimin. Jungkook then decided to go back to school to earn a second degree in business.Generally, Jungkook is quite silly and really likes to spend time with Jimin in whatever way that is, even if he's on his computer playing a game and Jimin is in the room with him. His love-language is quality time.Background: Jungkook grew up in a town about forty minutes away from where he lives now. His parents were very, very wealthy and he went to private schools.Jungkook has a fantastic relationship with his father, but a less-than-average one with his mother. He lived with his father while his brother was away at college.Jungkook has never had a solid career goal in mind, and we learn that his father always encouraged Jungkook to just do whatever made him happy. He was decently spoiled growing up and while he went to school, but Jungkook wasn't greedy with his access to money. His father taught him to be respectful.TW / mentions of domestic abuseJungkook was in the closet about his sexuality during high-school. He had a boyfriend during his junior year that we learn was "more like a friend than a boyfriend" and was one year older than him. This boyfriend apparently moved away to college after that year and they broke up. We also learn that Jungkook dated someone much older than him (named Jae) during his freshmen year of college that he never told anyone (except Namjoon) about. This boyfriend unfortunately caused Jungkook trauma by hitting him occasionally and gaslighting him, controlling him, and generally taking away his voice and innocence. He's only recently opened up about this to Jimin and is exploring how this relates to his bed behaviors.Jungkook also knew Taehyung in high-school during his freshmen and sophomore years. From what we know, Taehyung had taken Jungkook "under his wing", so to speak, so that Jungkook wouldn't get picked on or taken advantage of for being such a nice guy. However, Taehyung left for college as well shortly after, and the constant abandonment left a bad taste in Jungkook's mouth.Jungkook went to college and lived in the dorms to study nutrition and Exercise Science, unsure what he wanted to do exactly but wanting to hold a degree in the health field. We learn that Janghoon, Jimin's ex, was in Jungkook's dorm building during his freshmen year.Jungkook started making some friends in college (unknown at this time who they are) after he broke up with the abusive boyfriend. He met Jimin right before his 21st birthday before his sophomore year started.


Age: 26
Birthday: December 30th
Height: 5'10
Occupation: 3rd Grade Art Teacher. Taehyung works at the same school as Jimin and Hoseok.


Family: At this time, not much is known about Taehyung's family specifically except that he is an only child. It can be assumed that Taehyung's family was decently wealthy due to attending private schools with Jungkook as a teenager.Taehyung has a black labrador named Beau.Hobbies: painting, any kind of art, drinking, gaming/streaming, spending time with Jimin and friends, walking dogs, pampering and self-care, singing karaoke with JungkookPersonality: Taehyung is loud and definitely the life of the party. Though these days as he is growing up, he has calmed down a significant amount compared to his college years, he still has quite a lot of spunk. He provides much needed humor among the crazy lives of his two best friends and always has a witty comeback up his sleeve.Taehyung is creative and is usually doing something art related in his spare time. After college, he rented a small two bedroom townhome about ten minutes away from Jimin and Jungkook's apartment. However, in more recent present day updates, Taehyung has officially moved in with his two boyfriends, Hoseok and Yoongi. This has created some unintentional distance between Jimin and Taehyung.He loves drinking wine and pampering himself, and won't hesitate to spend a day at the spa, preferably with Jimin who he cares about more than anyone in this world.At the start of the series, Taehyung had just started dated Hoseok. Later, Taehyung reconnects with Yoongi, who is his "ex" boyfriend from college. Together, the three of them began exploring a poly relationship and are currently all together in the present day.Background: Taehyung grew up in the same neighborhood as Jungkook, though they didn't meet each other officially until high-school. In school, it's noted that Taehyung was very obnoxious and openly out, which gave him some apparent popularity. Being proud and not really taking shit from anyone, it can be assumed that this is one of the reasons that Taehyung had taken a friendly liking to Jungkook and enjoyed playing video games and protecting him, more or less, though the details of this are uncertain.Taehyung had always wanted to be a teacher and found art to be something he excelled at. Whether it be painting or sculpting or any craft, Taehyung had an eye for good art. During his freshmen year of college, he presented as a classic "fuckboy" and Jimin describes him as always wearing big white t-shirts and backwards hats or leather jackets. Eventually after the two of them met, Taehyung started becoming more attuned to his artistic side and dressed differently, and basically found his "crowd".Taehyung was a social butterfly in college and had many friends outside of his and Jimin's "normal" circle with Jackson, Chungha, Bogum and the others. He was always doing something, going somewhere, and always had plans. He and Jimin thoroughly enjoyed going out to the city, getting dressed up and fucking around with as many silly guys as they could.Taehyung met his ex Yoongi during his senior year, though the relationship between them was hidden and very vaguely described to Jimin at that time.



Age: 29Occupation: Kim Namjoon is a wealthy music producer who owns a company with Min Yoongi.Hobbies: Music production, reading, mentoring, traveling. (More to be discovered!)Personality: From what we know, Namjoon has a very father-like attitude when it comes to Jungkook. It's expressed in his advice and the way he cares very much for him. He speaks very clearly and tends to be quite wise. (More to be discovered!)Connections: Namjoon was Jungkook's student mentor when Jungkook was a freshmen in college and Namjoon was a senior. It's implied that he continued mentoring Jungkook throughout his time at college even after Namjoon had graduated.Namjoon is married to Kim Seokjin and together they live in a condo in the city. He is business partners with Yoongi, though it's stated by Yoongi in present day parts that they aren't "best" friends. (More to be discovered!)



Age: 30Occupation: Kim Seokjin owns a wellness company that promotes healthy eating, weight loss, and personal training.Hobbies: (to be discovered!)Personality: As presented thus far, Seokjin has a lively personality that is reflected with sarcasm and wit. He is extremely smart and gives good advice, and thrives on taking the opportunity once it's presented.Connections: Seokjin and Jimin have become recent friends, bonding over drinks and embarrassing stories. Seokjin and Namjoon have recently gotten married. (More to be discovered)



Age: 29Occupation: Music producer and artist at a company he owns with Namjoon.Hobbies: singing/rapping, music, videography (more information to be discovered!)Personality: We're still learning about Yoongi in the present day!Connections: Yoongi was famously referred to as Taehyung's "ex" boyfriend from Taehyung's senior year in college, where the two of them had met but the details of their relationship were kept to themselves. In present day parts, we learn that Taehyung and Yoongi had never officially dated and that their relationship was sometimes difficult and unstable, but Taehyung was in love with him. Yoongi was the one who broke it off.Yoongi met Jimin in the present day at Namjoon and Seokjin's wedding, not knowing that him and Taehyung were best friends. The big reveal is discovered later that year at a holiday party. Yoongi and Taehyung reunited recently and are attempting to explore a poly relationship with Taehyung and his boyfriend Hoseok.



Age: 27Occupation: Hoseok is a math teacher at the same school that Taehyung and Jimin teach at. He plans on transferring to another school after this present school year is finished due to moving into Yoongi's place in the city, and this school will be closer.Hobbies: Teaching, going on dates with his boyfriends, charity, spending time with family (more to be discovered!)Personality: Hoseok is often described as a ball of sunshine and the ultimate support. He compliments Taehyung in a million ways and provides endless comfort to him. He is very responsible and has big dreams (more to be discovered!)Connections: Currently Hoseok is dating Taehyung, who he met about a year and a half ago, and Yoongi, who was introduced to him in the Spring. He works at a private school in the city near Yoongi's condo.


Background: Jimin and Jungkook met near the end of August 2017 at a club in the city. The beginning of their relationship was a bit of a rollercoaster, considering Jimin was not interested in dating and was unsure of why he suddenly wanted to date Jungkook after being determined to not fall in love until after he had graduated at the end of that school year.Jungkook was patient in the very beginning, allowing Jimin to navigate his feelings while they dated and tried hard to be there for him. However, after about four months of dating, he broke up with him when Jimin started to show negative behaviors that Jungkook wasn't sure how to handle (and we discover later in the series that these were triggering for Jungkook due to his own trauma). Also unknown at the time to Jungkook, these behaviors emerged mostly due to Jimin's declining mental health that had started impacted their relationship.After a few weeks of reflection from both sides, they decided to get back together with the understanding that they would need to work through these problems together and always put each other first, and to be patient while they started to build their new life together.Jimin graduated later that year in spring 2018 and asked Jungkook to move in with him, which he did when summer started. Jimin started his career as a kindergarten teacher while Jungkook finished up school.For two years following Jimin's graduation, the two of them lived the domestic life together, simply learning to fall more in love and exploring new kinks in the bedroom, and generally being carefree and in love.In May 2019, right before Jungkook's graduation from college, Jimin started to get decently down about the fact that Jungkook had been too busy for him due to focusing on school and working an unpredictable schedule at the gym. After an important conversation about their communication and relationship, they decided to be more open with each other and to do better to make sure that they were giving and getting the attention they needed in the relationship.That summer in 2019, Jimin and Jungkook went to a wedding for Namjoon and Seokjin, where Jimin realized that he actually wanted to marry Jungkook now that he had finished college. However, later that summer, Jungkook lost his job at the gym, and the two of them go thru several months without Jungkook working and having to deal with some financial difficulties. This had put a pause on any immediate plans to take things further.While Jimin had also decided that he wanted to propose to Jungkook one day, those plans were at a standstill, especially because Jimin started to feel himself getting depressed and way too emotional with the uncertainties of his future. Without a distinct plan, his anxiety started to have a negative impact on himself and his sexual desires in the bedroom. This put a small rift between them again, as Jungkook had always been a more dominating sexual partner and Jimin submissive.It became confusing for them for many reasons. Jungkook started to pull away emotionally without opening up about what he wanted to do with his life and his overall needs, and Jimin started to hide his darker feelings about himself, pushing everything down.After a heartbreaking but important conversation where Jungkook admitted that he didn't want to move out of the apartment yet or buy a house with Jimin, Jimin had to decide if he will be able to accept that from his boyfriend, or if his domestic dreams with Jungkook were too desirable to shut away.Several months go by with those uncertainties settling between them, though in general their relationship is well. Jimin spends time with Seokjin and Taehyung and tried to open up, but he is unable to. Clueless, Jungkook made a decision in May 2020 that changed their lives.He decided, on his own, to resign their lease for the apartment without talking to Jimin about it first. Jimin, upon finding out, broke down and left to stay at Taehyung's.After a few days alone at the apartment, Jungkook and Jimin reunite. Jungkook begins working on individual goals for himself including figuring out where to live, what he wants to do as a career, deciding if he wants to return to school, and in the process he spends time with Jimin trying to fix what was broken.Jungkook faces personal trials related to repressed trauma issues that he had with a previous boyfriend Jae who used to abuse him. After opening up to Jimin about it and giving him a promise ring to secure a promise of getting married next year, (and after many other important discussions), Jimin moves back into the apartment.Right Now: Jungkook and Jimin are back to living with one another. Jungkook will be returning to online school to complete a business degree (with hopes that he can use this degree for his future endeavors in his still unknown career path) which will take another year to complete. Jimin will start another year teaching at the same kindergarten, and potentially working on his own goals and dreams. Jimin is being supportive of Jungkook since all he's wanted is for Jungkook to have goals and be working towards those goals, so that they don't feel stuck in their relationship.


Background: Taehyung and Yoongi are the first part of this relationship, having met during Taehyung's senior year in college. During the flashbacks, Taehyung keeps Yoongi at a distance when it comes to telling Jimin and his friends. No one knew who Yoongi was or the details about his life. They didn't even know his name and referred to him as "the minty haired boy", and only knew that Taehyung was spending a lot of time with him and not sleeping around with anyone else. However, a week before graduation, Taehyung admits to Jimin that they had officially ended things between them.In the present day updates a few years later, Taehyung and Hoseok had started dating in June 2019. They met at school where Hoseok was a math teacher. According to Jimin, Taehyung was literally smitten over Hoseok and fell for him right away, something that Jimin had never witnessed his best friend doing before.Towards the end of 2019, Taehyung expressed some natural concern with his and Hoseok's relationship as it continued to grow in a healthy way, specifically about moving out and having more domesticity in their lives.Separately, Jimin had met Yoongi at Seokjin and Namjoon's wedding earlier that summer, not knowing who he was. Then, after Jimin meets Yoongi again at Namjoon and Seokjin's holiday party, he unintentionally discovers who Yoongi really was in Taehyung's life. Yoongi expresses interest in reconnecting with Taehyung and gives Jimin his business card. Between Jungkook and Jimin, they decide that it would be best not to reunite Taehyung and Yoongi just yet since Taehyung was working things out with Hoseok.In February 2020, Jimin decided to inform Taehyung of running into Yoongi, only after a very interesting conversation regarding Taehyung and Hoseok having active desires to explore an open relationship.In March, Taehyung finally found the courage to reach out to Yoongi (with help from Hoseok, who was nothing but supportive). After a conversation with Yoongi at Bogum's cookout, Taehyung realized that he doesn't want an open relationship. Rather, he wanted to explore a relationship with both Hoseok and Yoongi.Over the next three months (give or take), both Hoseok and Taehyung take Yoongi out on dates together as a couple, hoping that Yoongi will want to join their relationship when he's comfortable. However, it's discovered that Taehyung is harboring deeper emotional pain due to his and Yoongi's previous relationship being somewhat toxic, and he is having a hard time letting go of those darker parts of their connection.Hoseok suggests that Taehyung spend some alone and intimate time with Yoongi to see if they are able to work through their past, which they do. Yoongi then admits to Taehyung that he's ready to join the relationship.The three of them have been dating ever since when Yoongi asked both of them (and Beau, Taehyung's puppy) to move in with him. They agreed, and have since moved in.


Background: Namjoon and Seokjin met quite a while ago, though the exact time is unknown. It is implied that Namjoon was still in college and Seokjin had just started his company (already graduated).The two of them lived together while Namjoon was in college and worked as a producer in the city. In a discussion that Seokjin has with Jimin in the present day timeline, he tells Jimin that Namjoon used to be extremely busy and unintentionally put work before him sometimes. They had their own domestic problems on the occasion. However, at the end of the day, they decided to get married and work through everything together. Their relationship is great.Currently, Namjoon and Seokjin live in a richer part of the city in a condo that they own. They tend to go out on a lot of dates and take vacations together quite often. While Seokjin likes to joke that they are very comfortable and don't really have crazy sexual adventures that much anymore, they like to treat each other by going to other countries and beautiful vacation spots. It's discussed that this upcoming summer they will be going to Paris.


It is recommend to initially read the story in the order that I post it on AO3. However, for those that have already read the series, here is the official timeline in chronological order!(note: "present day" parts start in May 2019 and "flashback" parts are anything prior to that)


Jimin and Jungkook meet for the first time.
Jungkook takes Jimin on their first date.
Jimin and Jungkook go an entire month without sex while they explore their feelings for each other.
Jimin and Jungkook start struggling in their relationship and break up. However, they soon realize what they mean to one another and decide to make it work between them no matter what.
Jimin and Jungkook have gone another month with no sex as per the agreement of getting back together, and tonight they get lucky.
MAY 2017, PART 20 / CHAPTERED FLASHBACK (last part of the flashback plot arc)
Jimin finishes up his last semester of college while him and Jungkook share important moments together. They go on vacation and Jimin asks Jungkook to move in with him.

Jimin and Jungkook spend the weekend before Valentine's Day together.
Jungkook becomes jealous over Jimin going out with Taehyung for the evening, and they explore the issue with some roleplay.


Jungkook is about to graduate college. They have been a little distant with each other due to Jungkook being busy and distracted with school, and Jimin decides to open up about it. They reconnect in the best way they know how. This is the start of the entire series.
Jimin is late for a professional lunch with Taehyung and Hoseok to discuss a project at school, and Jungkook keeps him busy from getting there on time.
Jungkook, Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok travel to a casino and club together for the weekend, and the night ends a little rough.
Jungkook and Jimin attend Namjoon and Seokjin's wedding where Jimin meets Yoongi. He has a complete breakdown thinking about his future with Jungkook, and deciding officially that he's really wanting to marry Jungkook one day soon.
Jungkook and Jimin head to Jungkook's father's mansion to go swimming. Jungkook is acting a little off and then admits to Jimin that he recently lost his job and isn't sure what he wants to do since he's graduated.
Jungkook has been unemployed since the summer and they have a small argument over some financial issues.
Jungkook and Jimin attend a dinner with Namjin, and Seokjin offers Jungkook some work as a personal trainer in his company. Jimin is starting to get really emotional about his and Jungkook's relationship wondering where it's going and how in love with him he is.
Jungkook and Jimin go to a karaoke bar with Taehyung and Hoseok. In the morning, they share some sweet intimate moments with each other.
While talking with Taehyung, Jimin has the realization that he wants to propose to Jungkook soon.
The holiday season is here and Jungkook and Jimin go to a holiday party hosted by Namjin. They run into Yoongi and make a discovery about him and Taehyung's past. They also have some important conversations about potentially buying a house together, and Jimin gives Jungkook a sex/kink book for Christmas hoping they can try some of the suggestions out.
Jimin and Jungkook spend the day going over finances, reviewing the sex book, and unfortunately ending the night on different pages.
Jungkook goes away to a work conference. Ever since that night in the previous part, things between them have been very off. He comes home one day during the week to surprise Jimin so they can reconnect after not being close for a few weeks.
A few days later, Jungkook and Jimin go to Jiyoon's birthday party at his father's house. Jimin has an important conversation with Hyuna about getting married. He also has an unfortunate run in with Jungkook's mother who does not like Jimin at all. Afterwards, they sit by the water and discuss the insecurities of their future together.
Jimin is hiding his depression, especially after Jungkook's admittance of uncertainty. He goes out to drink with Seokjin to get some of the pressure off his chest and to hear a different point of view. When he gets home, he and Jungkook share an intimate moment in the tub together.
The next day, Taehyung wakes up with Hoseok after he was supposed to be on a break with him (since they have been trying to figure out their desires of an open relationship). He finally gathers the courage to text Yoongi. He meets everyone at a bon fire at Bogum's house where he is reunited with Yoongi. He asks him to go on a date with him and Hoseok in hopes of pursuing a polyamorous relationship with them.
As the months go by, Jimin is not doing well at all. After hiding his growing depression, he finally admits this to Jungkook, but Jimin thinks that it's too late and he doesn't know how to feel better. It gets more worrisome when the next day, Jungkook signs the lease to renew their apartment for the next year without talking to Jimin first. After an argument, Jimin leaves to stay with Taehyung for a while.
After going on a date with Hoseok and Yoongi, Taehyung starts to realized that he really needs to take care of the baggage that him and Yoongi have from their previous relationship.
With Jimin living at Taehyung's, Jungkook goes through various trials in order to decide on what the next part of his life is going to look like for him and his boyfriend. After facing his past relationship trauma and finalizing decisions about going back to school, Jungkook gives Jimin promise rings, and Jimin moves back into the apartment.
After a few weeks of being back in the apartment, Jimin redecorates the living room. He and Jungkook test out the new couch in multiple ways.
Taehyung and Hoseok go over to Yoongi's house for dinner. Lately, Taehyung has been wanting to spend more time together with the three of them, but schedules with school and work have been getting in the way. Yoongi asks Taehyung and Hoseok to move in with him, and they say yes.
Jimin has been getting in bad moods lately, and the two of them have an important discussion regarding their dom/sub relationship in the bedroom, and set some boundaries.
END OF DECEMBER 2020, [PART 30](ao3 link) / PRESENT DAY
Jimin and Jungkook go to a holiday party at Taehyung, Yoongi, and Hoseok's house. After defiling Taehyung's new bathroom, they head home, only to run into Jungkook's ex-boyfriend Jae, who wants to apologize to Jungkook.
END OF DECEMBER 2020, [PART 31](ao3 link) / PRESENT DAY
While hanging out and reading with Taehyung over the phone, Jimin teases Jungkook by asking him to get him things until he gets annoyed.
JANUARY 2021, [PART 32](ao3 link) / PRESENT DAY
Jimin has a rough evening emotionally. Jungkook supports him through it the best way he knows how.


On this page you can find a list of various links and other navigation to many different places on the internet where you can find Domestic Jikook Series stuff!

・AO3 SERIES: click here to be redirected to the series on AO3・TWITTER THREAD: click here to be redirected to the main DJS thread on twitter. In this thread you can find the individual twitter posts plus a link to all of the art that has been commissioned for the series so far!・HASHTAG: you can use the hashtag #DomesticJikookSeries on twitter to find posts and other people that enjoy the series.・SPOTIFY PLAYLIST: click here to be redirected to the DJS playlist (ignore my pen name! lol it's old~)i will be adding more on this page in the future <3pls consider donating to my ko-fi if you enjoy the series!


I haven't updated this series since April 2023 and it's crazy. However, I should be updating next week, which is also crazy.
I never remember to update this lol but everything is going well with their plots and plans. I hope it's been enjoyable to read :)
part 27 has been posted! will be working on the next part asap bc i am excited for djs in 2022!
still brainstorming for the next update and will most likely (and hopefully) begin working on it in january 2022
part 26 has been posted! i will work on brainstorming the next update
part 26 is complete! will be posting this upcoming week <3
actively writing the next update. planning to post by the end of september.
outlining and brainstorming for the next update.
continuing to work on the carrd. i am currently on a writing hiatus, however i am brainstorming and building the next update in the background!